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El Lee Conlee House certificado centro ofrece refugio de emergencia para adultos y sus familias frente a la violencia y el abuso doméstico

Declaración de la visión

Una sociedad donde compañeros íntimos y familiares tratan con dignidad, respeto y compasión; donde la opresión se sustituye por la igualdad; donde la expresión de conflicto y enojo es no-violenta; donde los niños crezcan con su autoestima intactos y se nutrieron de tal manera reconocen el valor de la verdad, bienvenida la diversidad y practicar la cooperación. Nuestra visión es una sociedad libre de guerras íntimas y políticas.

Declaración de la misión

El refugio de violencia doméstica de Lee Conlee House (LCH) se compromete a reconocer y responder a la necesidad de nuestra comunidad de servicios de violencia doméstica comprensiva y multicultural. Entendemos que la violencia doméstica en su máximo alcance impactos principales víctimas, miembros de la familia, la sociedad y las generaciones futuras. Con esto en mente, es nuestro objetivo para detener la campaña de violencia por proporcionar intervención en crisis, refugio de emergencia, promoción, tratamiento, prevención y educación a través del establecimiento de asociaciones de la comunidad.


Call us at 386-325-3141 for emergency shelter
The Lee Conlee House offers a 24-bed emergency shelter facility.
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History of the Lee Conlee House is one of hope and survival in Putnam County, FL

The Lee Conlee House (formerly Helping Hands of Putnam County) was the vision and hard work of a group of dedicated individuals who wanted to open a shelter in Putnam County, Florida. Previously, survivors of domestic violence and their children received services in Alachua County and the distance from their support system was often a barrier.

1998The first Putnam County shelter was opened named after Leon Conlee, a city commissioner who was instrumental in obtaining the house. This shelter structure was a three-bedroom residential home with eight beds and the first administration office.
2006September 2006 | We received funding by the State Office on Homelessness to build transitional housing.
2002March 2002 | We became one of 42 certified domestic violence centers in Florida. This certification paved the way for new funding opportunities.
2008May 2008 | The new emergency shelter began to house its first residents.
2005We were awarded a Capital Improvement Grant through the Department of Children and Families for the purchase and renovation of a new shelter.
2009Spring 2009 | The Trans House began to provide longer-term housing to women and families. Now, the two facilities – The Lee Conlee House and The Trans House – provided a total of 28 community beds for survivors of intimate partner violence and their children.